Film Washi, world's smallest film company

Handcrafted films

The sensitive layer of each film is hand coated, one film after an another, which makes it a unique product. This technique creates small variations or accidents that contribute to the film’s graphic effect. Handcoating is performed on a weekly basis in our workshop in Josselin, France.

Film Washi Y 100 iso

Y - 100 iso/21° - Panchromatic film on Kozo paper

This is the W 2.0 : Same Kozo paper base coated with a panchromatic 100 iso emulsion that makes it much easier to expose and to use with all kind of subjects.


Categories: handcrafted panchromatic 120

Film Washi W 25 iso

W - 25 iso/15° - Orthochromatic film on Kozo paper

This is the original Washi Film, hand coated on Moriki Paper's Tosa Washi (Kozo). With high sensitivity to blue, less to green and no sensitivity to red light, this film gives best results with urban, portrait and still life photography. Film "W-25" is available in sheet-films and 35mm, but also in 120 or 620 formats. Watch here how to process it.


Categories: handcrafted orthochromatic 120 sheet-film

Film Washi V 100 iso

V - 100 iso/21° - Panchromatic film on Gampi paper

A new handcrafted film, more transparent, more sensitive and with better latitude exposure. Handcoated on artisanal Gampi paper made by Awagami Factory in Japan. Read here how to process it in classic reel.


Categories: handcrafted panchromatic 120

Specialty films :: Orthochromatic films :: Panchromatic films :: 135 films :: 120 films :: Sheet-films :: X-ray films :: Discontinued product

FILM WASHI EURL with a €1000 capital, registered at Vannes RCS as nb. 817 963 028

✉ 24, rue Glatinier│56120 Josselin│France ☎ 0(0.33)

EU VAT identification number: FR 71817963028
