Film Washi, world's smallest film company


Film Washi products are available at many retailers. If your favourite shop does not offer them yet, you will find a list of official retailers below.

For custom works, please make an inquiry by e-mail at

World-wide / Monde


Belgique / België

Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera

Danmark / Danemark

España / Espagne

United Kingdom / Royaume-Uni

Magyarország / Hongrie

Italia / Italie

Nederland / Pays-Bas

Polska / Pologne


Sverige / Suède

Japan / Japon

Europe / Europe

Australia / Australie


Cyprus / Chypre

    Deutschland / Allemagne

    Finland / Finlande

    Greece / Grèce

    香港 / Hong-Kong

    South Korea / Corée du Sud

    Norway / Norvège

    Puerto Rico / Porto Rico

    Romania / Roumanie

    United States / USA

    If you are a company and would like to retail Film Washi products, please write us at We will be happy to add you to our official retailers list.

    FILM WASHI EURL with a €1000 capital, registered at Vannes RCS as nb. 817 963 028

    ✉ 24, rue Glatinier│56120 Josselin│France ☎ 0(0.33)

    EU VAT identification number: FR 71817963028
